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Eine Makroaufnahme von Pilzen, die auf einem moosbewachsenen, liegendem Baum wachsen.

Funeral provision

Make sure that your wishes regarding your own funeral are respected and take out a funeral planning contract.

On the one hand, funeral provision includes organizational planning. We will talk about your wishes and ideas in a conversation. I will advise you on your options and how your wishes can best be implemented. On the other hand, your funeral provision includes financial security.

Questions about your precautions


Talk to your closest relatives about your wishes.

Your family members may have different needs or ideas about your funeral. Take the pressure off your relatives by thinking about your funeral and making provisions. Your trusted person usually informs me about the death. This way, we can ensure that your funeral can take place according to your wishes.

Deutsche Bestattungsvorsorge
Treuhand AG

Das Logo der Deutschen Bestattungsvorsorge Treuhand AG, ein angedeutetes Viereck mit abgerundeten Ecken in einem Mentholgrünton. Das Viereck ist innen weiß und in die obere rechte Ecke geöffnet. Dort sitzt ein kleineres rotes viereck mit abgerundeten Ecken.

Deutsche Bestattungsvorsorge Treuhand AG is available to all undertakers of the Federal Association of German Undertakers. With a trust account, you have the option of financially securing your funeral arrangements. The money paid in is not part of the company assets of your contract undertaker but is secured by a default guarantee with DBT. The trust deposit is only paid out to your contract undertaker upon presentation of an official death certificate.

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